“Don’t let fear stop you from getting off the starting block”


Lessons learnt from my two coaches today 


Many times we hold back from doing something because we fear failure 

– of not completing what we set out to do.

Of disappointing someone

Of disappointing ourselves 


It’s been nearly 4 weeks since I went for a run.


This morning as I set out and pulled up my app, I was dithering over which one I should do: 

Should I go back to basics and restart?

Should I start with a beginner run and ease back into the rhythm and build up?

I haven’t run in so long.

Surely I cannot jump back into where I left off.

There is no way I can do the longer runs that I was doing last month. 

And as I was internally debating this, I was simultaneously listening to my business coach 

talk about separating fact from thoughts and perceptions.



And I realized that although the fact was that I hadn’t run in 4 weeks, 

my thoughts that because of that I wouldn’t be able to run distance were just thoughts. 

How could they be a fact? I had not tried to run yet. 

These were just the thoughts in my head before I even started.


How I chose to interpret the fact of not having run for 4 weeks was up to me.


I could choose the thoughts that said I could not do a long run,

or I could choose the thoughts that said I could give it a try any way.


So I set myself up for a 5 K run on my app, 

the first time for this particular one.


Sometimes the universe knows what you need before you even know it.


The running coach on the App started with the premise of Fear and running Fear LESS. 


Of acknowledging the fear athletes have at the starting line 

Of the unknown 

Of not knowing if they will be able to complete the race

Of not knowing if they will be able to do it in the best time 

And of taking that first step any way 



He defined Fear from the dictionary definition:

Fear: an unpleasant emotion caused by anticipation or awareness of danger


Notice that it is caused by ‘anticipation’ not actuality.


And even though I didn’t necessarily think I was fearful, when I thought about it further, yes, it was fear.

That I would get tired sooner than before

That I would have to give up.


And as I thought it through, I realized it was fear of disappointing myself.


More thoughts not based in reality.


What if I celebrated whatever distance or time I managed today and let go of that fear?


And so as I ran, I listened to both these coaches 


When at 16 minutes in and 2 K I was winded 

When I took walk breaks 

When I couldn’t complete the distance 


Right about the time the running coach was talking about 

how so many times the run we set out for turns into something else 

Goes in a different direction 

Ends up taking you somewhere new 


And how starting points are not just for races


But in life how many starting points we have every day 


When we leave for work 

When we start a project

When we take on a challenge 

When we are facing something new 


And to acknowledge the fear we feel


And still take that first step 


Of that project at work where you know you will be good at but you fear you don’t know enough and worry someone else would do it better

So you never volunteer


Of that situation where you know you should speak up but you fear embarrassing yourself and so you don’t


Of that position you know you would be great at but you fear you will have to sacrifice your family time, and so you don’t, without even finding out what the time commitment is.


I did not complete the entire 5K run today.

I took breaks

I stopped completely by 3.5 K in and walked


But I celebrated the fact that I did try something new

That I did not let my fear hold me back

That I took that first step.

And that I could separate out my facts from my perceptions and thoughts.



What has FEAR held you back from?


And has it been real or just your perception of a circumstance?


What if you could acknowledge the fear and still get off that starting block??

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