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Work With Me

The next step in your career requires more of you -

More confidence. More responsibility. More guts.

But is it worth the sacrifice?

You are a woman physician who has sacrificed so much to get where you are:

Years of training
Precious family time
Your hobbies
Your Me-Time

Your non-medical peers have no idea what it’s taken.

And you are frustrated because you have no control
Someone else makes the decisions
Someone else tells you how many patients to see and for how long.
Someone else makes decisions that dictate what metrics you need to meet

Is this what you signed up for?
Is this what you imagined your career would be when you spent all those hours studying for your MCAT, all those days and years of the rigor of med school, residency and fellowship?

Surely there’s got to be something more?
Surely there’s a way you can have some control back?
Surely there’s a way you can be involved in some of the decision making that affects your life?

Let me tell you there is.

You are a woman physician who has sacrificed so much to get where you are:

Years of training 

Precious family time

Your hobbies

Your Me-Time

Your non-medical peers have no idea what it’s taken.

And you are frustrated because you have no control


Someone else makes the decisions
Someone else tells you how many patients to see and for how long 

Someone else makes decisions that dictate what metrics you need to meet

And you are frustrated because you have no control

Is this what you signed up for?

Is this what you imagined your career would be when you spent all those hours studying for your MCAT, all those days and years of the rigor of med school, residency and fellowship?

Surely there’s got to be something more?

Surely there’s a way you can have some control back?

Surely there’s a way you can be involved in some of the decision making that affects your life?

Let me tell you there is.

There is a way for you to have more control.

And that is by stepping up and into your leadership shoes.

I’m sure you know this

But something holds you back.

You believe you lack the skills.
You have never been trained to ‘be a leader’
You have never been trained to manage a team
You have never been taught communication skills
You think you don’t know how to effectively manage conflict

And you lack confidence in yourself

I’m here to tell you I understand.

I’ve been in your shoes

I was that physician who believed that because I was soft-spoken, an introvert, hated conflict, that I couldn’t be a leader.

But here’s what I learnt, when I was accidentally thrown into leadership.

These are skills anyone can learn, just like I did, through Coaching

Skills that taught me how to manage myself and my lack of confidence
Skills on how to effectively communicate
Skills on conflict resolution that went beyond the standard teaching that courses give you and focused on how my soft-spoken, introvert self could handle it without feeling frustrated and angry.

And that transformed me

From a quiet soft-spoken introvert, to a Confident soft-spoken introvert Leader.

When you work with me, you will learn how to become a confident leader by taking control of your thoughts, your self-doubt, and your results.

So you show up in your life and work as the Confident MD you are.

Are you ready to get started on your journey to becoming your best self?